About Us

The SEL was initiated in Spring 2005 and has grown rapidly to include an inspired and fun-loving group of people, excellent lab and field infrastructure and instrumentation with local to international collaborations.

Lab personnel include an interdisciplinary team of postdoctoral research associates, technicians, graduate students and undergraduates. We are biologists, computer scientists, electrical and mechanical engineers and educators.

Since 2005, we have conducted research throughout the northern Chihuahuan Desert, northern and western Alaska, eastern Russia, the Canadian high arctic, Greenland, Scandinavia, and throughout East Kalimantan on the island of Borneo in Indonesia.

We are also developing some novel technology, cyberinfrastructure, and Ecoinformatics tools to improve our capacity for monitoring and assessing environmental change. All of our research has a strong educational component and we regularly conduct outreach to schools and community groups.

We welcome opportunities to extend our current research and educational activities through local to international collaboration.


Labs major achievements

At UTEP, we play a key role in the development of the education programs in the Department of Biology and the Environmental Science and Environmental Science and Engineering programs. We also mentor senior design projects in computer science, mechanical engineering computational science, and electrical and computer engineering.

Our facilities include an ecology lab, GIS and remote sensing lab, engineering lab, a suite of offices, a variety of field based infrastructure and instrumentation, and a cluster of servers housed in UTEP’s Research and Academic Data Center.

Our research findings have been presented in a variety of international peer-reviewed journals, as well as local, regional, national and international conferences and workshops. See our research projects for pictures and video of our research activities. Our data and novel cyberinfrastructure applications are also available for download.